Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Its All In The Numbers... And Other Sundries

Gallon of high test gasoline: $2.49 Gallon of milk: $3.23 Gallon of Go-Mart coffee (based on price per 16 oz. cup): $6.40 Gallon of bottled water (based on price of 16 oz. bottle): $10.32 Gallon of Starbucks coffee (based on price per 16 oz. cup): $26.00 I'll have a cup of high test - straight up. ***** Whoa, newsflash on the beading information highway! I was working on a bracelet last night and screwed up, meaning I had to trash over three hours worth of work. No, there was no way to save it, I tried. The good news is... as I sat looking at my disaster, it tickled that little part of my brain still functioning and realized I had stumbled upon the answer to another dilemma. That dilemma was how in the hell to make a brooch for Trashman's wife and it not weigh a thousand pounds and be easily bent. Remember what I'm making? Image hosted by Photobucket.com Except brooch size. Wearing a brooch means it has to be pretty durable to hugging and brushing up against things. I'm not so sure the french beading (that's working with beads and wire) was exactly the best idea. But HA! Due to my other fuck up, I have found a way. I may incorporate both wire and thread but I'm really excited and already have part of the center finished. So, all other beading work has halted until I get this done. Should be in TX well before Mother's Day. ***** Nate was supposed to have baseball pictures yesterday and I lost my keys. Now, I could have walked him to the baseball field but ... his uniform was LOCKED IN THE CAR!!! Must have been a reason we weren't supposed to be there because I found them a half of an hour after we were supposed to be there. Still pissed me off at the time. Of course the spot I found them was somewhere I had looked five times before, just not with the right roll of the eyes, position of my mouth, and depth of my scowl. Oh yeah, and the moon wasn't full and in is now in Aries instead of Taurus. Pffft! ***** My house is still a disaster area. Sigh. I'm not budgeting my time very well. I need to write up a schedule I guess, one that includes housework. Cybele will tell you and I'll tell you, the Flylady is the shizzet!! I love her and I want to be like her. One day... I can dream.
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