Friday, May 13, 2005


Have you ever felt boring? I feel so boring right now. Uninspired. I tried to write an article last night to submit to a magazine and even though I had blogged about it, I could see how much my writing has grown since June of last year. I wanted to embellish it a bit and add some more information. I read some more background material on Jesse James but then fizzled in the third paragraph. I also have my book proposal half- written, just sitting there. My goal is to have it submitted by the third week. That’s just another week. I have all of the information, just need to finalize it. Isn’t that the damn story of my life. Speaking of... I have a necklace I’m working on which I have finally decided how I’m going to finish. I’m taking my beads to Nashville. Don’t ask me why. I did tell my cousin I would make her a necklace so here’s a good chance for her to pick out colors or tell me what she wants. The necklace I’m working on now is that Russian Leaves one. I have to say, its going to be gorgeous when I get it done. I’m beading my own beads to go with it too. I can’t wait. Although I do believe I’m going to need an extra tube of beads for each color to finish it. Especially doing the strap the way I want to. Here’s a story about my dad. He grew up with two brothers and three sisters. My dad was active in sports, as was his older brother, and often games and practice ran late and they came home after my Grandma and Grandpa had gone to bed. One night they were exceptionally hungry and looking in the refrigerator found some potted meat, put it on some bread and ate it. In the morning, my grandma got up and hollered for the boys. When they came into the kitchen she demanded to know what they had done with the bowl of food in the refrigerator. They responded they thought it was potted meat and had ate it. My grandma told them it was not potted meat, it was a special concoction of dog food that she had made to get her yappy lap dog to eat. It was a favorite story of my Grandma’s. Hope you guys have a good weekend.
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