Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday Again

Oh, the joys of Monday. Although I’m not working today, I still had to get up and scoot Nate off to school. I was up at 3:45 this morning with a headache and backache from moving Nate’s dresser this weekend. Under the “Weird Cats” segment of this broadcast, I present Ireland. Ireland is also in the family way and yesterday began nesting and meowing. I thought birth was imminent although she didn’t seem big enough. I was hoping she was only having one or two. Yeah, she had two alright. She has “adopted” Lola’s kittens, Marco and M.J. since Lola is weaning them. Lola with kittens - one week M.J. and Marco (four weeks) with Baby Sqeak (three weeks) Similar in strain was the fact that Ireland and Lola’s mother, Morticia, and their aunt, Natasha, also shared kitten duty. Although Natasha was never in the family way, she still “babysat” Ireland, Lola, and Napoleon when Morticia left the room, up to the point she allowed them to “nurse” on her, even though she wasn’t producing milk. The vet told me that sometimes queens in the same house may begin to lactate even without their own litter. Morticia and Natasha with Morticia's baby's. Napoleon is lying on top to the left, Mongoya, who later died is lying on top to the right, and Ireland is squished in the middle. I believe Lola is lying between Ireland and Napoleon. Sometime during the night, Ireland sought out M.J. and Marco, since we had separated them, and drug them into the closet where her “nest” is and now the three are all sacked out, fat and sassy. *Sigh* Animals! Ireland, M.J., and Marco (five weeks) Here are some photos I took for our blogger friend and florist, Kenju, who posted a photo from a newspaper of her in this very spot. Ya’ll have a great Monday.
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