Sunday, November 07, 2004

Carlton & Alonzo, Blackie & Red

Alriiiiighty then... I’ve had sustenance, I’m working on a cup of coffee, I’ve had a nice looooong bath... here’s what happened last night. There was a reception at a local art gallery that I went to. Why? To meet peeps or rather, male peeps. It wasn’t so wonderful until I met Carlton. He was a bearded black man with sunglasses, a ball cap and saggy jeans hanging around the entrance. He asked what was going on and I told him and asked him if he wanted to come in. He said he wasn’t dressed appropriately and, LOL, his breath stunk. I said, "Oh well, come in anyway." So, I drag him through the gallery. Hmmm... yeah, we got a few strange looks. So, then we went to the local watering hole (Men - collared shirts only) establishment which I heard was a pretty great place to meet men. They were nice enough to give Carlton a shirt to change into. Yeah, I can say the guy’s breath was pretty rank but he knew a hell of a lot about art and writing. As a matter of fact, he gave some tips for my novel. He was completely up front... perhaps a little nuts but a real nice guy and I’m glad I got to know him. But when he changed back into his street clothes, he was gone! Never even said goodbye, he just hit the door. And I wondered if I had just spent time with a narc. This guy said he worked construction, yet his hands were smooth. He had beautiful teeth, regardless of breath, and he was clean although, yeah, he looked like a street thug the way he was dressed. Dunno. After he left, Alonzo came over and sat down. Alonzo works for another law firm right down the street from me. We had been introduced previously by a fellow acquaintance and talked about everything from sex to sex to anal sex to how often we like having sex. I wasn’t attracted to him much though. I’m not sure why. He thought something was wrong with him because he likes sex a lot. I told him he needed an older woman, 35-45, he’s get sex then. He bought me a few drinks, actually he bought quite a few drinks for me, himself and couple other chicks that wandered by. Enter Blackie. Blackie and I go waaaaay back. Pre-AZ. Blackie and I go back to high school. He played in a band at the time and that’s how I knew his name but I wouldn’t actually meet him until we were in college. He’s like a giant naughty teddy-bear. Dark hair, blue-ish eyes, always very stylish and fucking smart as hell. I was thrilled to see him!!! It has been quite a number of years. So, I helped him get the bartender over for a drink and I got up to go to the bathroom and as I came around the bar... OH. MY. GOD!!! It was Red. And that’s what said at the same time before we hugged and laughed and started talking. He and Blackie were there together. Funny thing, I had known both of them, but they didn’t know each other until about 6 years later. Freaky, since they’re both musicians. Blackie plays bass *shiver shiver* and Red plays guitar *mmeeow* Hey, and I was the only one left with long hair. Matter of fact, they both had longer hair than I did back in the hay days of the early 90's. Ah, very funny, Red could not remember my name. Well, it had been, ???, 10 years since we’d seen each other. He could describe for me though, exactly what I used to wear... army field jacket and ripped up jeans. Yep and here I thought he was going to describe those flowered underwear I had. Oh, that was when I wore underwear! I spend a long time talking to hm and Blackie when he comes back over. I finally get to the bathroom and go to tell Alonzo thanks for the drinks/convo and he’s split. Oh well, I know where he works. Naturally, the talk turned to the fact that I had, in fact, slept with both of them. Red first, then Blackie and Blackie made the mistake, sorry mah sweet, of asking me a question that no guy should ask. "Who was bigger, who was better?" I gave in on the bigger thing because, damn Red has got a cock from hell. Dear God, he is amply endowed, length and width. *Fans self* As far as better? Well, I was sooo inexperienced I figure I wasn’t that great myself so I didn’t answer that. And really, I don’t know. It was two different situations. Red and I actually dated and Blackie and I just had a one night stand. Both of them gave me extremely fond memories, although I did get a little psycho over Blackie at one point, which I apologized for. And Blackie your dick is just fine and I had a lot fun with it, okay? The thing is, I like creative, smart people. And that’s what they were and are. So, we played catch up and Blackie let me know that if I was interested in girl on girl that he had a friend who wanted to try it. Hey, I’m always up for a good time but I told him that I in NO WAY wanted a relationship with a woman, so if she was leaning that way I wouldn’t consider it. Blackie is like me, in that he’s interested in the connection between people, and he realized and I guess I did too, that I’m straight-forward. T-Bird has said it too... what you see, is what you get. I don’t fluff, I don’t put on, it is what it is and I am what I am. And especially with him, there’s always been a very intellectual connection between us. That’s why I liked them. Intelligent, creative and hot! Like me! People like me!! Ahhhhh!! People like me!! Can you say "Increased Comfort Level?" *does little dance* I had a great time. But it was Red, that really caught my attention. Probably because we hadn’t seen each other for a lot longer than Blackie and I had and we had unfinished business. That little problem of him dumping me right before Valentine’s Day, 1992. LOL!! Really though, things were messed up for him at that time and.... well, we were young. He was 19 and I was 21. We were just babies in grown up bodies. Now we were grown-ups in grown-up bodies. So, Red asked that I give him a ride to his car since Blackie wanted to stay in the city. Uh huh. On the way down the interstate, Red just very succinctly tells me that he would rather come back to my place. (I kind of got that idea when we left the bar as he grabbed me and kissed me on the street, then held my hand and had his hand on my thigh the entire way) My place, naturally, is a wreck, so I did something I’ve never done before. I got a room for the specific purpose of fucking someone. I blushed when I mentioned it to him and then he blushed when I told him what I’m sure that I hadn’t done some things that I was either too bashful to do back then or we didn’t allot time for that I would like to do to him. And I did. Whew!! Red is handsome, tall, auburnish hair, beautiful eyes, almost no body fat but not so skinny as he used to be, but that’s good, but he’s also incredibly sweet and accommodating, especially when he bumped that tender spot called a cervix, much obliging to change positions, much obliging to let me ride him anyway I wanted, much obliging to kiss and hug and suck and let me do the same. Oh yeah, and much obliging to lay on my body and kiss the hell out of my shoulders which just started round two. And if round one was incredible, round two was cosmic. Being warmed up, slick and hot, I was able to catch that "fever" which is rare but a wonderful thing when the orgasms don’t wear me out, they just make me want more. Ahhhh and I got more. I took several Gods and Goddesses names in vain. I came home and passed out about 4:00 and slept like the dead until quarter after twelve. And I didn’t pass out from booze either. I would have hated to seen it if I HADN’T been drinking anything, although I wasn’t drunk. So, now I’m sure you’re wondering, what now? Nothing. Red and Blackie are both married. Blackie, I know, has operated outside the bonds of his marriage since... he got married. Not sure if his wife knows, not really my business. I’m sure that Red’s wife doesn’t know. I don’t want her to know. Also not my business. I guess I’m like the Clintonesque military – I have the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy. Blackie has the URL to my blog. He’s one of those peeps that would find it fascinating. He asked on Red’s cellphone if I would save some for him... LMFAO!!! Men in competition. Whoa... men in competition over ME?? LOL!!! Pffffffffffffffffffft!!!!! Shit! That’s... God that’s funny. Honestly, yeah, I would. I would do him. Come to think of it... I would like to do them both together. Yeah, now THAT, holy shit... *shivers* That would rock... I wouldn’t walk for a week but that would rock. Being fucked doggy style by one, while sucking the other one’s cock... yeah, yeah, yeah... that would, yeah, that would rock. *fans self again while whispering* Be nice Nanna, be nice, be nice, be nice. Fuck being nice. You only live once.
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