Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Hi, My Name Is Inanna...

I am a beadaholic. I can’t help myself. Yes... I spent more money on beads this weekend while in Nashville. (Didn’t get to see AJ... in-laws, outlaws, time constraints... although we did chat) I found a pattern and instructions here to make little witches. I made the first one in a little less than an hour. She’s adorable. I used delica beads and she’s right at an inch tall. So, I got creative and using the same pattern made a leprechaun. Instead of a broom she’s holding a 4 leaf clover. Instead of delicas (size 11), I used delicas (size 15). The larger the number the smaller the bead. So, my Bonnie Lass is only 3/4 of an inch tall. Yes, I tried taking pictures with my digi but they were not even worth loading onto my computer. Anyway, I also embellished her with bronze delicas (size 11). Her hat sort of looks like a sombrero or one of those great big hats they wear to the derby. The original hat, before I got creative, was one centimeter across and had 45 beads in it. When I was finished it was two centimeters (approx.) and has 120 beads. Total, she has 300 beads. She’s adorable. I love her. She is mine. I was going to give her away, but I’ll give another one away. Not her. She’s mine. So, now I’m on a creative miniature kick. I was making Glenda from the Wizard of Oz but forgot she has to be special and have a crown instead of a hat... wench. I’ll have to get even more creative. I was confusing il mio amore with my family tree when I started talking about some rather unusual traits my maternal family carries. (Shameless bragging ahead) My Ma-Ma could tell if you were pregnant, even if you didn’t know it. Her neighbor had tried for years to get pregnant and had finally given up. She was visiting my Ma-Ma and complained of so generalized aches and pains and my Ma-Ma said, “You’re pregnant!” Back and forth the two ladies went and I believe the neighbor became somewhat miffed and upset because she had tried so hard for so long. Heh. Yeah, she was. Her daughter is about 21 years old now. My Ma-Ma could also cure thrush. Thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth and throat normally found in babies. The reason she could do this is because she married a man of the same last name. The old wives tale was if you did that, you could cure thrush by blowing in the person’s mouth. Don’t ask me, I just know she could do it. She once cured a baby that modern medicine couldn’t cure. I also had a great uncle that could cure warts by rubbing on them. He removed a wart from my uncle’s knee that way. A woman I know also had that ability and removed warts from my face by simply rubbing on them. Please don’t ask how this is accomplished. I have no idea. I think it may be particular enzymes in the amino acids secreted in the natural oils on the skin. Didn’t that sound downright scientific? My question is... how did they discover this unusual ability? In-breeding did us good. My grandparents had an even dozen grandchildren and out of those, five were in gifted and talented classes, seven play musical instruments (or more than one), five are better than passable singers, five are artists, and four creative writers. We’re like an Appalachian Osmond Family. Which is scary. Of my grandparents five daughters, two are artists and three are excellent seamstresses. None of them can carry a tune in a bucket though, well, maybe one. None of them were inclined musically. Weird. My mom alone can do the following crafts: she paints, mainly still lifes but she is quite good, macrame’, toll painting, cross-stitch, quilting (recently started an advanced class - goody, goody she can help me with mine!), she’s made the embellished photo albums, painted shirts, flower arranging, stained glass, sewing (of course), uhhh, I think that’s it. Oh no wait, there was that whole ceramics phase she went through... Okay, okay, gotta get some real work done and earn this paycheck. I need to earn the big bucks. Got ANY idea how much summer camp is????? OMG!!! *Sends brain waves ~ ~ ~ buy necklaces from Inanna ~ ~ ~ buy earrings from Inanna ~ ~ ~ buy something from Inanna ~ ~ ~* (Yes, still working on Cybele's earrings - Jen's brooch *still missing beads* - and Leese's necklace, or however it ends up)
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