Monday, November 07, 2005

Your Guardian Angels Called . . . They Want A Raise

So, Vlad (that’s me) and Bo Peep (that’s Jeff), went to school this morning. Everything went surprisingly well and no one was put in jail. We mapped out modifications for Nate’s classroom activities and were out of there as the first bell rang. Jeff and I chatted in the parking lot and then I was off to work and Jeff to a doctor’s appointment. I wondered why I didn’t see Jeff’s truck as I pulled away from the school but thought nothing of it. As I was traveling down the busier-than-hell main drag, I came around a small bend in the road, right before the Go-Mart I frequent and saw dust and smoke and a car, nose first up a tree, literally parallel to the tree, and then I watched it tip back and land on its top. A man had already pulled to the side of the road eastbound (my lane) and a van had stopped going westbound. I turned at the Go-Mart and circled around, coming up almost directly across the street from the wreck. By this time, there were four or five other vehicles stopped, including the gentleman going eastbound who had done a U-E and was now outside his vehicle. I couldn’t make it across the busy four-lane so I went on to work. At about 11:20 I got a call from Jeff’s mom. I thought she was calling about another case that I’ve been working on for Jeff’s oldest brother. You guessed it. The car I saw doing the slow-motion descend from the tree was Jeff. The reason I hadn’t seen his truck is... duh... that truck was totaled and he got another car. Now, Providence or angels or something were watching out for both of us. Had I known it was Jeff its quite possible I would have wrecked my own car. Its also quite possible had I went to the scene and found him covered in blood and unresponsive, especially after having just talked to him at the school, that I would have passed out myself. I’m not sure what I would have done. I’m sure I would have yelled a lot and time would have stood still while waiting for the paramedics. The guardian angel was also on Jeff’s side. While he was going eastbound, he crossed a median and the two westbound lanes of busy morning traffic (about 8:35 a.m.) and ran off the road into a grove of trees as opposed to the river. Had Jeff not been where he was, its quite possible he would have been on the secluded road toward his parent’s farm or at their farm, and not been found for a while. Good and faithful T-Bird also got into the fray. I called her as I knew she was working at 1:00 today at the Trauma ER where Jeff was. She told me she would check on him and let me know if anything changed since I had to pick up Nate for a doc appt. at that same Trauma Hospital. Seems Jeff thanked her by having a mouth-foaming-body-jerking seizure right under her nose, which frightened her to the point she started crying and she’ll even tell you, “I don’t even like the motherfucker.” As it stands, Jeff is still at the hospital. He busted up his ankle but didn’t break it, he has a nice gash on his forehead, and blunt force trauma to the chest, not to mention the nasty seizures that caused him to black out to start with. Oh, and did I mention he was on the phone with his girlfriend when it happened? Its been a day.
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