Monday, January 02, 2006

Travel Plans for 2006

With acquiring a new job, comes the inevitable lack of vacation time. Some companies have moved to the same system my current job uses, which is acquiring one sick day and one vacation day for each month of employment, then accruing vacation time once a year with the continuing sick time policy. Perhaps though, I’ll be employed where you must wait an entire year before obtaining vacation. Regardless, that’s what weekends are for. In February, I hope to trot off to D.C. to see Troy and participate in the National Geographic Travel Writing Workshop. Mikey hopes to run the Chicago Marathon in October, so it seems like a good opportunity to see him and the Peon, Lois Lane, and Tsarina. Chicago has always been on the list of places I’ve wanted to visit and what a perfect opportunity. Chances are if I’m juried in at Tamarack that I will be making another bead buying trip to NC and visit with El Sid for longer than 1/2 of an hour. However, the trip I would like to make the most is to Germany. A weekend would not suffice alas, and that’s one thing I will be disappointed about. If I can accrue vacation time then I’ll have enough days to go in August. See, my Oma is turning 90 in August and my sister, BIL, and nephews will be there from TX, maybe even my parents (if we can convince my Mom to get on a plane). I would be willing to take the time off without pay if they would allow me to. Its been almost 17 years since my family was all together in Germany. If its meant to be, I know it will find a way.
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